Easy Maths Trick for Calculation

Maths Trick for multiplication of 2 numbers can be done in just 2 seconds if you know a simple maths trick, and I am here to tell you about that trick.

The trick is simple and easy we have 2  two digits number's that are to multiplied
- 64*66
what we have to do is take the first digit of the number of and multiplied the number with its next number, it will give us the first half of our answer
- 6*7 = 42
Next part of the multiplied the last digit of both the numbers, and it will us the second half of our answer

let try with another example
- multiply 7 with next number 7*8=56
-multiply last digits 3*7=21
the answer is 5621

Conditions to apply this trick 
There trick can only be applied when the 2 conditions conditions are met.
1) First digit of both the numbers should be same eg:-64*66 (first number '6'), 73*77 (first number '7)
2) Last digit number on adding should give result of 10 eg;- 64*66(last numbers '4+6=10'), 73*77 (last numbers '3+7=10')

Friends i hope you like this maths trick stay tuned for some more maths tricks and share it with your friends as well.

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